Faith Baldwin


God’s plan is never one of monotony. He works through contrasts: the seasons, tropic and arctic regions, seas and rivers, deserts and wastelands. He works to bring about good; to teach compassion. Some have said that God is impersonal, indifferent to suffering. There have been times when I, too, have thought so. There are moments in the life of every man when, unable to explain the Plan satisfactorily to himself, he wonders why is there loss, tragedy, destruction of peoples, the sorrow of the innocent? If we know why, we would have achieved our identification with the Plan itself. Out of fire and flood comes the strength to rebuilt, the impulse to share unselfishly, to comfort and sustain, the great drive to compassion felt by one or many people. Out of loss comes the growing into knowledge that – past the material – there is no real loss. Out of surrender, I believe, a conquering is attained, out of the violence of emotions, the noise of self-pity and distraction, we learn quietude.

Many Windows: Seasons of the Heart

Faith Baldwin

pg 34


6 thoughts on “Faith Baldwin

  1. It’s so interesting to me: I was pulling together the Keeping Company post this afternoon (which is why I hopped over to check out your post again ;)) and used as my discussion starter a quote I copied down this weekend from John Muir. He talked about the beautiful effect of an earthquake he watched at Yosemite, and how it brought down boulders from the sides of the granite cliffs — he found an intentionality and a loveliness in that seemingly-devastating process. And that got me thinking about Kinglsey in Madam How and Lady Why, and how he looks on natural disasters in a similar way. We can see life brought out of the ashes, meaning within damage and disaster. And then when I re-read the quote you shared here, I see the same thing but for humanity. ❤ I love when these kinds of connections stand up and assert themselves. 🙂

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    1. So true, Celeste! I think this is something I am learning and growing daily. Just the how beautiful in retrospect the ugly can be…a harsh, nasty flood reshaping the land…and yet something new and beautiful comes forth! ❤


  2. I found your blog through Joyous Lessons and Keeping Company CM. Lovely quote. It seems to me that the more intimate I am with all the sides of nature, the closer I am to God. The rough is always transformative – like Celeste said – life that comes out of the ashes. The soil that becomes fertile through the aftermath of a volcano.

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